Preheat oven to 375.
Bring a large pot of water to low boil. Cut the head of cabbage into large wedges and wash. Place wedges into water for about 5 minutes. Pour into colander and spray with cool tap water to stop any further cooking. Using paper towels, squeeze out as much water as possible.
In large nonstick skillet, cook the ground meats with onion over medium high heat until done, stirring frequently to crumble as it cooks. Blot out excess oil with paper towel. When done, stir in the pasta sauce and seasonings if needed.
In a medium bowl, blend eggs into the ricotta cheese.
To assemble
Place layer of cabbage pieces in the bottom of greased 9×13-inch baking dish. Cover with half the meat sauce. Top with half of the ricotta cheese mixture. Cover with Havarti cheese. Repeat layers of cabbage, meat sauce and ricotta, then top with mozzarella cheese. Scatter with Parmesan. Bake for about 20-25 minutes until hot and bubbly. For browner toasty cheese top, turn on broiler and finish for about 5 minutes.
Garnish with scattering of freshly minced parsley!
Recipe by Wendy Perry for L&M Produce, February 2018.